Sunday 22 February 2009

scenes from a walk

A week of mild and sometimes sunny weather has beckoned me outside for longer walks. This isn't a hardship - I love being outside, and soak up the treasures of my local landscape like a sponge.

Yesterday I was up on the moor again, barely a soul in sight. The sea on both the north and south coast visible in the distance.

The derelict engine house of Green Burrow Mine an austere shape against the backdrop of dark clouds (it wasn't really quite as gloomy as it appears!).

Walter, as always, managed a dip and a wallow in the stream....

And on a sock note - thank you for all the encouragement. Sock one was completed this afternoon, with a big learning curve and quite a few mistakes. I found a great tutorial showing kitchener stitch (and everything else) here. Now for number two, before I develop second sock syndrome...


Irene said...

Well, it's beautiful where you live, so wild and rugged. We hardly have places like that in the crowded Netherlands. We do have some, but we don't have them to ourselves, like you did, and we have to travel to them.

Oh yes, don't develop second sock syndrome. Get started on it immediately and know that you will do a much better job on this one than you did on the first. Pretty soon you'll be churning out socks like you've always done it. Just think of all the pretty yarns that are waiting for you to knit with.

Anonymous said...

So so beautiful! Can't wait for the book, thank you so much again!

A time to dance said...

what a wonderful landscape...I love the moors with the back drop of the sea....reminds me of my beloved whitby...looks like your will need a big towel for walter...get that second sock done...says she who has been seduced by crochet and left a half finished second sock in her knitting bag.......

Lisa said...

It's great to be outside in this sunny weather isn't it.
Congrats on the knitting and sock completion!
Lisa x

Simone said...

Your walks must be extra special with Walter as your companion. Good luck with sock number 2!

Anonymous said...

How wonderful to be walking on the Moors with not a soul about... a perfect place to listen to your 'whispers' and to 'take flight'.
a very happy week to you Diana and good luck with sock number two.
with love
Ginny xx

Sue said...

These are beautiful pictures which immediately make me wish I was visiting you or my good friend Sarah in Coverack. Lucky you to be there.

Thanks for popping in to my blog and glad you found something to inspire you :-)

Poppy said...

Thanks for your lovely comment!
If only I could walk somewhere like your walk every day I would never be at home, it looks beautiful.
Love Lou xxx

Anonymous said...

I think there is a picture for sale of the engine house of Green Burrow Mine at the nearby Yew Tree Gallery. I can't help thinking that the engine house would make a great coversion into a home with fantastic views of the coast. Alas, I can't afford such luxuries, but I hear Cornish residents can, as they can go beachcombing for gold doubloons that frequently get washed up on nearby beaches...

Anonymous said...

Lovely pictures! They always have to go in the water don't they! :)

Irene said...

Hi Diane, an award for you over at my place.