Tuesday 2 June 2009

going purple

The wild rhododendrons are showing their seasonal purple splendour again - just like last year, and no doubt year after year stretching back in time.

Whenever I go up on the Carn, often at the end of the day, the light is hazy and the purple shimmers around me, tapering off into the distance. It's a special place - a place for quiet, for contemplation, for pausing, and for tuning in to the sounds and sights of nature.

Back at home I pulled up a last ruby chard plant left from last summer - it was idling in a pot, gone to seed. The purple-ruby-pink colour extended right down through the roots.

Posting has taken the slow road here...I'll be back with some answers to a tag. And I've also signed up for the gocco swap, so something creative needs to happen here, and soon. Lots of ideas running around my head, which I need to get down on paper.


ginny farquhar said...

hello... i seem to be up late tonight and just saw your post pop into my google reader!
stunning photos of the rhododendrums.. you have reminded me about the tag too... and pleased to hear your gocco is going to get some action... look forward to seeing your ideas come to fruition.
lots of love
ginny xxx

Simone said...

Beautiful pinks and purples. I am not really sure what a gocco is but seem to think I have always wanted one! I look forward to seeing what you produce with it.x

kristina said...

Had never realized there were wild rhododendrons! Have always just thought of them as backyard plants. And what a beautiful color that chard is.

K x

Diane said...

I love this time of year when colours just burst out en masse. Lovely photo's

Frances said...

Here is someone else who had no idea that there could be wild rhodies! I am still trying to realize what your photos show.

I can go for weeks and weeks without posting. Gocco is something I have never seen "in person," though I have been enthralled by a utube demonstration. I so look forward to seeing how you will use this intriguing technique.


willow said...

I love the colour of the rhododendrons too, we have a few around here but not as many as you. I always feel a little guilty about liking them though because they are not native and being very invasive do choke the life out of an area. I think there are areas of North Wales where the National Trust struggles to keep them from taking over, they organise volunteer groups to rhodie-bash! - sounds like fun but is probably very hard work and very scratchy!!

Pipany said...

I want to know more about these Goccos please! it seems to have passed me by and I don't like the thought of that.

Beautful weather to match your gorgeous pictures Diana. The rhodies are amazing as ever aren't they? Will email when I get a mo as such funny things have been happening here!

Much love xx

Julia said...
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Julia said...

I had to delete my last post Id made lots of spelling mistakes (typing too fast)! Anyway, I was going to say how dreamy your photos are, and the words take you there up on that carn...

Also, what is a gocco?? I need to know!! Must find out :)

Love Julia xxx

this is my patch said...

Such a beautiful and amazing place! One day I hope to live in Cornwall? x

A time to dance said...

What wonderful views Diana, I thought it was heather at first ... like my beloved yorkshire moors...spectacular...have a nice weekend...H

carolyn said...

The rhododendruns are indeed lovely this year.

Poppy said...

If only I could move too Cornwall, it is such a beautiful place.

But for now I will have to make do with your beautiful pictures on your posts.

Love Lou xxx

nimblejacks said...

fab flowers there. Ruby chard I grew loads and then was at a loss as to how to cook it or what so do with it any great suggestions?

Anonymous said...

Lovely pictures!