Sunday 6 September 2009

for the walter fan club

This is the "I've just been bathed, aren't I handsome" pose.

And yes, he's wearing his fleece jumper - it drys him out super-quick and saves the house getting soaked. This is his second one. He ate the first (just like those gloves).

I never ever thought I'd be the sort of person who'd put a jumper on their dog.......


caireen said...

hello walter! murphy is checking him out...!! he is also becoming a bit of a water baby and keeps jumping in the sink xx

Gigibird said...

Harry loves when I bring the dirty washing down to sort and wash because his favourite 'game' is to run off with either dirty knickers or socks....if I don't swap them for a biscuit he then rips them to shreds.
Touch wood that is all he eats that is forbodden.
Cashmere gloves or fleece would be out of his range.
Why did Walter need a bath? Any special disgusting reason or just general smell?

dottycookie said...

Hey, as long as you're not wearing a matching jumper, I think you can get away with it!

He looks very proud of himself. What a fine fellow he is!

Anonymous said...

oh lovely handsome fluffy walter!...we love you xxx
ginny and the girls xx

Lisa said...

Oh so handsome. And the purple is very fetching!

Simone said...

I love his fluffy bath fur! I can't believe that you blamed Walter for eating the fleece and gloves! His little face says 'who me?' He is a wonderful big cuddly teddy bear.x

JuliaB said...

Bless!! I looked up those coats. THey are cool! We need one for Marley so that'll be what I get for him. Thanks for the tip! xx

Gina said...

He is so handsome and fluffy! I've never seen fleece jumpers for dogs before... what a good idea for after a bath.

Ali said...

Just don't give in to nail polish! Our neighbours poodle has purple claws - I kid you not.

A Bun Can Dance said...

I love Walter!
He looks gorgeous, all damp and fluffy! Aren't retrievers the most delightful of dogs? My sister's family have a darker retriever and a black labrador - two very excitable bouncy boys!
The jumper sounds like a great idea.

silverpebble said...

He's a very handsome boy indeed.

The Curious Cat said...

Aw what a darling - but eating his own jumper? Was he okay afterwards?! xxx

Anonymous said...

May I join the club! Walter is wonderful!

Award for you on my blog later today!

BadPenny said...

Gorgeous ! We have Dillon and he needs a jumper just like that .... !

Diane said...

One of my friends has a dog who eats socks and pants from the wash basket - which is bad enough, but very embarrasing when it comes out the other end and people are watching!!! I love Walter - he's the best looking dog EVER!!!

alice c said...

Sign me up for the Walter fan club - he looks pretty adorable and quite incapable of being naughty.

A time to dance said...

we went for a lovely walk on sunday and a dog just like walter came bounding up to us like a lovely big creamy teddy bear I was dying for a cuddle.....

this is my patch said...

I'd love to become a member! Walter has such character in his face, and must be such fun to have around. What a handsome jumper/glove eating fellow he is! This photo is most definitely one for a frame. x

Reading Tea Leaves said...

Walter is so handsome - bless him!

As far as the jumper goes - needs must!

Jeanne x

Purrfect Haven said...

What a gorgeous boy Walter is...I love that soft, freshly washed look... just want to bury my face in him! Helen

Monica said...

Oh what a handsome boy!!!! Love him!
Please come and meet my girl if you have some spare time.
Have a great Sunday,

kristina said...

He does look quite handsome. And my mum's greyhound has fleece pajamas. Otherwise he gets terribly cold at night (and we're not dressing-up-the-dog people either). K x

Anonymous said...

He is looking mighty handsome!