Tuesday 13 October 2009

turning three

Walter is three today. And birthdays must be celebrated, musn't they? We drove back to Cornwall yesterday, and as today was a work-at-home day we sneaked out for a long walk this afternoon, accompanied by the most perfect autumn weather.

A dip and some stick collecting was followed by some digging for treasure, and a roll in the sand, while I collected pebbles.

I think Walter knows just how much he's loved. He makes my heart sing.

Happy Birthday, sweet boy.


heidi said...

Happy Birhtday Walter!!
You are such a handsome boy,its easy to see why are are loved sooo much!! xx

Gigibird said...

Happy Birthday big W ! Long may you have many of them:-)

Simone said...

Happy Birthday Walter! You big, cuddly teddy bear of a dog. x

Lyn said...

Happy birthday Walter! such a lovely name!!

dottycookie said...

Such gorgeously joyful photos - Walter is lucky to be so well loved!

kristina said...

Looks like he had a super time celebrating! Happy birthday, Walter! K x

A Bun Can Dance said...

Happy Birthday, dear Walter, Georgeous Boy!
Wishing you many days of sunshine, plenty of sticks to chase, the occasional celebratory biscuit and a very cosy cushion to rest your dreaming head upon.
Denise x
(And 2 dogs who are my walking companions this week: Robbie & Charlie)

Purrfect Haven said...

Happy days.. and happy birthday to Walter... dear boy, through your photos and words, a delight to share in his delight! Helen

Reading Tea Leaves said...

Happy Birthday Walter - such a dear boy and so loved!

I have two dear little cats from the re-homing shelter - they are a joy!

Jeanne x

JuliaB said...

Happy Birthday Walter!!! Big hug.. xx

Lisa said...

What a brilliant day to spend your birthday, happy birthday Walter.
Lisa x

Sally Anne said...

Happy Birthday Walter, and many, many more !

Pipany said...

Ah he is gorgeous Diana. Happy birthday Walter and welcome back to you my sweet friend x

Gretel said...

Happy belated birthday to Walter - what a lovely blog you have, and what spectacular photos; I miss the sea so much.
You were spot on with your guess, by the way; we are about 4 miles away from Kingham - which you must be familiar with, as that was a very good spotting!

The Curious Cat said...

Aw what a lovely birthday Walter must have had. Happy Birthday! He is so very beautiful! Aren't pets wonderful?! xxx

Joanne said...

Hi just found your blog and can't wait to look backat past post.
Just wanted toi stop by here first and say a big ~Happy ~Birthday to Walter!! He's gorgeous.

Joanne x

Gina said...

Happy Birthday Walter... what a handsome chap!

Pomona said...

Lovely pictures of a lovely dog!

Pomona x

BadPenny said...

Dillon aged two & a half says Hi to Walter. Can't keep him out of the water either !

Diane said...

I seriously believe that Walter could be the star of a childrens book. You don't get many kids books that are real photographs so it would be quite different and he is far more adorble than any Teddy bear. I love him. xxx

A time to dance said...

I hope he didnt sit on your sofa with all that wet sandy fur!...Alfie was 7 last month...we gave him a cat flap...he poohed in the living room...cats!

Louise said...

What a great birthday treat for Walter, and for you! x

Maureen said...

Lovely photo's and a beautiful Walter. I love your blog as it's a calm retreat and the simple layout is beautiful.

xo.sorcha.ox said...

He's gorgeous! Our dog-son celebrated his 2nd birthday at the beach this year; spent his time chasing seagulls. Fun was had by all. :)
Happy birthday, Walter!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Walter!

Liz said...

Belated birthday greetings to Walter. Looks like he had a great time celebrating being three.

A time to dance said...

Hi Sweetie, we are in Portscatho...is that far away? would love to meet for a coffee and cake! we are planning a trip to St Ives???? we are cornish virgins dont forget so have no idea of the area...or where we are ....but its very windy on this cliff top!...look forward to hearing from you love H

A time to dance said...

Hi Diana I am so sorry we didnt manage to meet up, we havent done half the things that we intended and time has whizzed by...plus I couldnt get a signal at the camp site...next time its a cottage or hotel I think...looking forward to my bed tomorrow. Heading for Taunton then home via the cotswolds...please forgive me...love H

bellaboo said...

So,so pleased to have found your blog...for two reasons.1-You have Walter(happy birthday!),and you live in one of my favourite parts of the country,where I spent many happy holidays as a child.
Do pop in and visit my blog sometime..and meet Bella OUR young retriever!
P.S.Love all your photos.


herhimnbryn said...

G'day Walter Mate!,
Happy Birthday from Bryn (the Cattle Dog).

Here via Pea Soup.