Thursday 21 May 2009

it went like this...

7.30 this morning
I pull in to a local car park, open the boot of my car and start to unload all my recycling, tossing it into the various appropriate bins. Walter is lying in the boot, watching.
A road sweeper is picking up litter nearby.
"Morning" I say, "lovely day isn't it? Sunshine at last."
He saunters over.
We exchange a few pleasantries, and then I continue to sort my recycling.

He walks over to Walter and starts stroking him, and then he says:
"You're a lucky boy aren't you? Bet you're about to go for a lovely walk."
I smile.
"Actually, I'm just about to take him to the vet to have his balls chopped off."
The man pauses.
There's an audible intake of breath.
And his hands move involuntarily, in a protective fashion.
He mutters his commiserations to Walter, and then we laugh, and go our separate ways.

Walter's fine. And it seems he has a new fan club at the vets too.


Pipany said...

Look at him in amongst the bluebells! Dear chap. So glad he is well and hopefully his pride - if little else - is intact!

Not long now Diana (she said in the voice of a child the night before Christmas!) xx

peggy said...

sorry I meant to send him and you a message BEFORE...but now it is all over and I know he will soon be totally over it - and just the same lovely Walter as before. Hope you both are relaxing now it is done, love to you both K x

Frogdancer said...

Good on you. He'll never notice the difference, but he'll be much easier to live with.

Gina said...

Ouch! I confess we've never had Barley "done" as our vet doesn't agree with it unless absolutely necessary but fortunately he's not an aggressive or troublesome dog so it hasn't been a problem.

Lisa said...

Such a handsome photo.
Hope W is recovering well.

dottycookie said...

Well, Walter looks very happy there in the bluebells. Lucky boy - but I bet you left a lasting impression on the poor passerby!

Simone said...

He's such a lovely boy. I hope he is doing well.x

Exmoorjane said...

Hilarious. I love that involutary action from men when you mention balls being chopped off!

Anonymous said...

Gulp! Whince! Poor Walter :(

dragonfly said...

I don't think he'll miss them!

The way Pip lies around showing off, I'm sure he doesn't realise he's 'without'!!!

He looks so adorable among the bluebells too.

kristina said...

Hope Walter is fully recovered and feeling fine. I don't think Cyrano or Bryn ever noticed anything was missing!

K x

Ali said...

That's the best conversation stopper I've heared all week!

A time to dance said...

I couldnt stop laughing...thats just the sort of thing I would come out with....hope you are going to save them!!!!!...did the mans eyes water?

Jackie said...

I could tell a very good joke about that....

Reading Tea Leaves said...

So glad to see Walter looking so well now - as for this trip to the vet, well I don't think he will miss them and he will be an even happier and gorgeous dog for it.

Louise said...

Are you going to frame this photo of Walter, it is wonderful. I am sure by now he has recovered from his trip to the vets. I wonder if that chap has got over the shock yet! x

urs said...

poor walter, love the picture
very funny have you got on with your garden,
hope its going well.

Anonymous said...

Glad Walter is doing well! Funny story!

Griffin said...

Yikes! Still he's grinning and bearing it!! Which is more than most men would do. If you said that to me I'd have been out of there like a shot!!!