Thursday 14 May 2009

nature walk

Last sunday I joined some friends for a nature walk around the cliffs and woodland of the Lamorna Valley. Apart from learning a little more about the flora and fauna of my local landscape, there was an ulterior motive. In September my friend Peggy is cycling from London to Paris in aid of Cornwall Hospice Care. The nature walk was one of the events organized by my friend Kate to boost the fundraising. Cycling to Paris in three days, a distance of 200 miles, is no mean feat (I know, I've completed this ride twice....but it was about twenty years ago - in my younger and fitter days!) Peggy is training hard, and blogging as she goes - any encouraging comments are very welcome.

The nature walk was led by Brian, who has an encyclopaedic knowledge of the wildlife and flowers that adorn the rugged cliffs and sheltered valley. The sun shone, the sky was blue, the weather was balmy, and the sea was enticing the boats out around Tater Dhu lighthouse.

We paused for a while at Carn Barges before meandering back along the coast path to Lamorna Cove.

I love the way the wildflowers hug the cliffs - my favourite is undoubtedly thrift, which looks even more beautiful when the sea is sparkling in the background.

I can now also identify bladder campion, which grows prolifically along the coastal path.

There were also occasional clumps of sea campion, whilst the yellow kidney vetch seemed to be everywhere.

We paused for ice cream in Lamorna Cove, before heading back up the valley through the woods, bluebells stretched out as far as the eye could see. This walk was a breath of fresh air (no pun intended) and it was a real joy to walk with someone who was so willing to share their abundant knowledge. Thank you, Brian.

(If anyone would like to make a donation to Cornish Hospice Care, and support Peggy's ride, this is the link to Just Giving)


Gina said...

What a beautiful walk for such a good cause. Wishing Peggy lots of luck!

Pipany said...

Hello Diana. I knew kidney vetch and thrift but have wondered about the other one for years - sea campion. Lovely pictures of one of my favourite places. Years ago I found the biggest dog violet hidden under a bush on the cliff path at Lamorna. Never seen one since! xx

kristina said...

Very impressed with your plant identification knowledge. Not sure I could still identify any of the ones we learned about on our foraging weekend :(

And completely awed by the London to Paris cycle venture (and the fact you have already done it twice)! Will click over to Peggy now to learn more.

K x

Simone said...

Good luck to your friend peggy! I would have loved to go on the nature walk. I love nature but there are many plants that I am unable to identify. I have never heard of Kidney Vetch!

Anonymous said...

Lovely Lamorna Cove. We went there last year while I was reading The Memory Garden by Rachel Hore. Which is set in Lamorna Cove. It just added to the atmosphere as it was a particularly stormy day. We'll be back in October, fingers crossed xxx

dottycookie said...

The flowers by the coast are always so special. We tried growing thrift in our garden one year but it wasn;t terribly happy - I think we're a bit too sheltered and no salty air!

Good luck to Peggy.

Lindsey said...

Oooh It's nearly as good as being there. Nearly... Lovely pictures and beautiful mental images conjured up as well. Wish I was there. :O)

Julia said...

Your walk looks absolutely delightful, I remember walking that coastline myself a few years back whilst on holiday - beautiful scenery!
How lovely to be with a chap who could identify all the wild flowers - I would have enjoyed that experience very much myself!

Love Julia x

carolyn said...

It must have been wonderful to have somebody so knowlegable with you.

A time to dance said...

what a wonderful wal and what a wonderful day...I love the picture of the lighthouse...I cant wait to visit cornwall in october...

peggy said...

Diana how lovely to see your photos and remember a beautiful day in Lamorna. Sitting here with the wind howling down the chimney and the rain lashing the sweet pea seedlings in the garden it seems like a distant memory. You are so good at blogs and links and stuff, I feel like a complete novice but thank you so much for writing a whole post about me and the bike ride. Thank you for all your support love Peggy

alice c said...

Many years ago I could hear Tater Dhu through my bedroom window. Just seeing your photo brings back those days so vividly.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely place to walk

Reading Tea Leaves said...

What a lovely walk and in the company of an expert too. I wish Peggy lots of luck in her training and will stop by her blog for regular updates.

Anonymous said...

Lovely views - the blue sky is stunning.