Thursday 20 August 2009

a big red dahlia

No words. Just a red dahlia (Lover Boy). And a vase (a favourite of mine).

I love the way the glass and the light play together.


Lisa said...

What a stunning splash of colour he is.
Lisa x

Sally Anne said...

Like a painting.....beautiful.

silverpebble said...

Isn't it funny how tastes change? In the last year or so I've come to love dahlias. This 'Lover Boy' is especially handsome. Beautiful shots as ever Diana.

By the way, I noticed last year that around this time the garlic mustard puts on some new growth at this time of year. I need to test it for bitterness in sauces.

JuliaB said...

Red Daliah's are my absolute favourite x

Ali said...

I can see why you love it.

Michela said...

How elegant your red dahlia!
Have a lovely weekend!

Reading Tea Leaves said...

Simply beautiful.
Jeanne x

heidi said...

your posts are so simple but so lovely.x

The Curious Cat said...

What a simple but effective gift!

A time to dance said...

Lovely pictures H

Diane said...

My dad used to grow loads of Dahlia's and I hated them as they always seemed to be full of earwigs. I love them now as I am no longer scared of earwigs - but I wouldn't want one in my ear! Beautiful photograph.

kristina said...

Just perfect. K x

dottycookie said...

I adore dahlias (well, except the pompom ones) and yours is very lovely indeed!

Louise said...

I will have a garden full of lovely dahlias one day! x

Griffin said...

What gorgeous colour, especially against the white.

Anonymous said...

I love dalias! very pretty pictures!