Sunday 9 August 2009

meetings at the edge

just sitting
breathing lungfuls of clean salty air
at the edge - where my land ends and the atlantic stretches out in front of me

warmed by the evening sun


kristina said...


k x

Frogdancer said...

Lovely shots.
(It's freezing here this morning... they make me feel even nippier...)

silverpebble said...

That final image is beautiful - I love wild carrot flowers. Thankyou for the lovely trip x

Anonymous said...

Nothing like the sound of the sea and a cool breeze on summers day.

peggy said...

Just popped by Diana to see if there was a new post and found two! how lovely and how amazing the photos of the sea and edge of land. I feel far away from cornish shores but it was good to see them through your eyes.kate xx

Maureen said...

Oh my goodness these are lovely images, and I haven't been to the seaside this year and it's August already ! now I really have to go after seeing these.

driftwood said...

just gorgeous xox

Lisa said...

Beautiful photos of the sea.
Lisa x

The Curious Cat said...

What a glorious place to be - so real - unlike my dull office desk...urgh...

A Bun Can Dance said...

Hello Diana
Beautiful images and words.
Thank you for my brief visit to the coast!
Denise x

Irene said...

Beautiful photos. It's nice to picture you sitting there taking in that view.

Anonymous said...

These awakened my soul, thank you!

JuliaB said...

Sigh ... dream... x

Reading Tea Leaves said...

Thank you Diana for a sublime visit to the sea-shore. Lovely words - at peace with the world.

monica said...

gorgeous photos! and what a beautiful place...

Anonymous said...

wonderful photos Diana! i especially love the last three... i have had a manic last 5 days so need a little peace and calm.
with love ginny x

heidi said...

those pictures were wonderful,especially the bottom one.they deserve to be framed!! cornwall is so photogenic.x

A time to dance said... sky above and the sea beyond...blisssssssss......

Anonymous said...

I am loving those smooth rocks in the surf!

Julia said...

These pictures took my breath away, I used to spend many an hour myself watching the sea like that - the glassiness of the waves are just beautiful..thank you for sharing.

Love Julia xxx

Pipany said...

Oh I think I knwo where you are in these pics Diana! Just gorgeous and wish I was there right now so that the drizzle would make sense somehow. Love the rain when it's backdrop is the ocean. Will email tomorrow for a catch up. Loads of love missus xx

Petergaye S. Kisielewicz of Yahgie said...

beautiful photos. Thanks for sharing.

Jackie said...

I yearn for 'that sort of seaside' West coast Atlantic..but its a bit too far for us. So thank you for the lovely view.

Diane said...

I could sit here forever. xxx

this is my patch said...

Great images of such a wonderful part of Britain. A fantastic stretch of coastline you have on your doorstep Diana. x

alice c said...

I am breathing that sea air. Thank you.

Griffin said...

Ooh I do envy you! We used to live not far from Brighton and I miss going down to that pebble beach to listen to the sea and feel the clean crisp air. The wind and the cold just made it that much more special.

Yvonne Temple said...

The best place to be... thanks for the reminder xx