Thursday 22 November 2007

On the make!

Definitely time to make something, so last night I attempted a little gift for one of my sisters, who always decorates her house so beautifully for christmas. These things are never as simple as I think they'll be......

my sewing machine jammed (I don't really know how to use it properly!), and I left a far-too-tiny hole to turn it right side out, so had to re-do. It looks a bit wonky, but hey, it'll add to the homemade charm! And I hope she likes it.


Sally Anne said...

It's lovely, I especially like the little red stitch, and it is going to look very sweet on the tree!

Anonymous said...

This is just beautiful, not wonky at all. I'm sure she'll love it.

Anonymous said...

just so you know... yes she certainly loves it!! its hanging on our tree now, will take some piccies for you! xxxx