Friday 8 May 2009

thinking of walter

I had plans for another type of post, but am completely distracted with worry over Walter. Yesterday he had a mildly upset tummy but was otherwise fine. Last night he couldn't stand up, all strength completely gone from his hind legs, although once I helped him to stand he could walk, albeit a little stiffly. The same this morning. So I rushed him off to the vet - at the moment we can't find anything obviously wrong, and he's been given anti-inflammatories. There is a possibility it might be serious, but we just have to wait and see. He's up and about quite happily now, the drugs doing their job.

So please send healing and positive thoughts to my dear sweet boy, and keep everything crossed that this is nothing more than Walter inadvertently overdoing it while playing on the beach.


Anonymous said...

we all have everything crossed... dear Walter.. sending all our love and healing thoughts.
Ginny and the girls xx

Lisa said...

Everything is triple crossed here for your dearest Walter.
Thinking of you both.

dottycookie said...

Keeping all digits crossed for Walter...

Simone said...

Diana - I am sending out lots of love and positive vibes to Walter. I hope he makes a full recovery from whatever is ailing him. x

Maxine said...

Sending lots of love to you and Walter, I hope he makes a full recovery quickly. X

caireen said...

ah, poor walter! hopefully its just a temporary thing and he'll be romping around before you know it! I will send healing... Cx

Gigibird said...

Harry is keeping everything crossed for your Walter.
He also says that once he wagged his tail so much he did himself an injury he had have anti- inflammatories which he found very tasty.

Diane said...

Everything crossed here for sweet Walter. xxxx Now I remember why we dont get a dog.

A Bun Can Dance said...

Big hugs to dear Walter, I hope he'll be well again very soon.
We had to take Milly, one of our cats to the vets today, as she has been sick and off her food.
Our lovely furry friends are so important aren't they, and when they are poorly it is so hard.
Fingers and toes crossed that all our pets will be bright and cheery very soon.
Denise x

Gina said...

Hope it's nothing serious Diana. Sending lots of positive thoughts Walter's way.

kristina said...

Sending lots and lots of happy healing vibes to Walter. And thinking of you too. K x

Frogdancer said...

I hope he's ok. It's times like this when you wish that he could talk... just to tell you what the matter is...

Ali said...

Crossed paws here for Walter.

JuliaB said...

Everything crossed here for Walter! Hopefully he's just been running around too much and needs a rest. xx

Irene said...

Sending out all my postive thoughts to Walter and you. Hope everything is well again soon. Good old Walter!

Liz said...

A worrying time for you but fingers crossed that all is well with your lovely lad.

silverpebble said...

I really hope all is wel with Walter Diana x

alice c said...

Oh...if my wishes for Walter were translated into reality the poor boy would be doing marathons on the beach...keep well, Walter.

MarmiteToasty said...

Sending good thoughts for your dear Walter..... lets hope its nuffin serious..


Reading Tea Leaves said...

Thinking of you and dear Walter. I hope he has improved over the weekend and is on his way to a full recovery.
Thank you for your kind comments over at mine and I will be checking out your nephew's website for chicken coops - thanks for the tip!
Jeanne x

this is my patch said...

Please give Walter a big cuddle from me. x

Pipany said...

Diana I hope he is better today? Poor chap and poor you too. Let me know how Walter is faring and much love and hugs to you xx

Poppy said...

I really hope things are a bit better now for Walter!
A big ((( hug))) too you both!
Love Lou xxx

janjan said...

Sending hugs and positive thoughts for Walter and a hug for you as you need one too! xxx

Anonymous said...

Get well soon Walterx It is so hard isn't it? They just can't tell you what is wrong.

A time to dance said...

Oh diana poor Walter, lots of love and prayers being sent from yorkshire....

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear he s feeling better!