Friday 10 July 2009

raindrops on nasturtiums

That title doesn't quite have the ring of raindrops on roses does it? Never mind. A promising sunny start to the day accompanied my early morning Walter walk but by coffee break time the sea mists rolled in, bringing a grey damp drizzle.

(click to enlarge)

I could do without the rain, but it does collect beautifully in tiny pools on my nasturtium leaves, which are currently rambling all over my garden. Such beauty in something so simple.

And now to my giveaway - thanks so much for all your lovely comments! Friday fatigue has crept in so I've taken the easy option of the random number generator, who has picked:

which is

I also have a runner up:

which is

So Jeanne and Lynn, please email me with your addresses, and I'll get your goodies in the post!

A few people asked if I was going to sell some of the cards (and I have to confess I did a little leap of excitement at that moment, so thank you!) and the answer is yes. I have a limited quantity, but I plan to do another print run once I've ordered some more card so if you're interested, please email me.

Thanks for taking part, and have a happy weekend!


Michela said...

Congratulations on the winners!
Have a lovely weekend!

suzanne said...

Really love the clean simple lines of your cards - lucky winners!

kristina said...

What a perfect picture. I think the rain is headed our way now. And I would be interested in cards :) K x

Reading Tea Leaves said...

Thank you Diana and thank you Random Selector!! I look forward to receiving my goodies.
Have a lovely weekend.

Frogdancer said...

You said 'click to emlarge' so I did.

I'm glad. That drop is just stunning.

Poppy said...

Beautiful picture of the rain drop… and well done too the winners!

Have a lovely weekend…love Lou xxx

Lisa said...

Such a pretty photo.
Well done to the winners.
Hope you have a great weekend.
Lisa x

dragonfly said...

Lovely photo - I've been taking some of the rain on my alchimilla, they are perfect together!

Simone said...

Well done to the winners! I love the look of raindrops on plants. x

Heart in the country said...

The raindrop looks just like a diamond when the photo is enlarged, stunning!

Congratulations to the winners, and good luck with your card sales Diana

Louise said...

Beautiful photo. I really like nasturtiums, and so do Cabbage White butterflies. Watch out for them! Congratulations to the two winners of your lovely cards. I know Gigibird for real, lucky Lynn! x

Anonymous said...

Raindrops on nasturtiums and whiskers on foxes;
Bright silver salvers and warm toasted loxes;
Blue colored jackets covered with fluff;
This is a sample of my favorite stuff.

Anonymous said...

Love the photo! It is even better in the larger size!