Tuesday 4 March 2008

Passing it on

I've recently read this book, 'Choosing Eden' which I was lucky enough to win in a giveaway on Rhonda's wonderful blog.....so I'm going to pass it on again. It's about one middle-aged couple's decision to leave behind city living for a simple and sustainable life in the country, and the fundamental reason why they chose to move at a time when they thought their lives were very settled.

I've been playing around with making some fabric bookmarks, so I'll include one in with the book - it may be this one, it may be another one, I've not decided yet!

If anyone's interested, leave me a message in my comments by the end of sunday 9 March, and then I'll randomly pick a winner - you can be anywhere in the world....international post welcome!


rhonda jean said...

Hi Diana, I'll definately mention this in today's post. I'm writing about books so it will fit in perfectly. Warm hugs. :- )

Anonymous said...

Hi Diana !
I'm coming to your Blog through Rhonda Jean's, as I would be very happy and honoured to discover that book. Of course, I'll consider it as a loan, and will gladly pass it on, after reading it.
Crossing my fingers (and toes) that you draw my name..... :>)

Now I'm going to browse through your blog, with pleasure, as I didn't know it up to now.

The simple life is something that both hubby and myself are tending to, moreover now that we're -soon-to-be retiring. However, we're only starting our moving on this new way of living. "Every travel begins with a first step", doesn't it ?

Hugs & smiles from my little corner of the world ! (Belgium)


Niki said...

Hi Diana, I'm also visiting through Rhonda's blog and would love to read this book. I'd also be happy to pass it along when I'm done with it in the same way you have. I think that's a wonderful and generous idea.

Cheri said...

Sounds like an interesting book. Count me in! (via Rhonda Jean's blog)

Jenn said...

This sounds really great, and a perfect complement to some of the other books I've been reading recently. I'd love to get in on your drawing.

Knitters Notebook said...

Hello! I would love to read your book. Please add me to the drawing.



han_ysic said...

Came here through Rhonda Jean's blog. Love your photos, and yould love to be in the running for the book. It sounds like you enjoyed it and I know Rhonda raved about it too.


elflyn said...

Hi Diana, I found you via Rhonda as well. As I started browsing through your blog I realised you live in Cornwall. Some of your photos seemed 'familiar' to me as I spent a couple of years as a small child living in St Ives and environs. Your mention of St Michael's Mount also was a happy memory...I have a small watercolour purchased for me in St Ives of St Michael's Mount. I have it hanging in my kitchen here in Queensland, Australia so I can look at it each morning and smile at childhood memories.
Your blog is lovely I will certainly be back for another visit....
Please enter me in the draw for the book also inspiration is always welcome and I will of course keep with 'tradition' and pass it on :-)
Have a lovely Spring week.
Love Jen xx

Anonymous said...

Please count me in on the drawing. I saw this book at the local newsagency and I think it sells for about $32. I would love to read it and will, of course, pass it on when finished.

Anonymous said...

Hi Pebbledash,

I've also just found your blog thanks to Rhonda and have just spent too much time starting to look over old blogs. What a lovely blog you have. So many lovely ideas and wonderful photos! I know yours will be a regular read for me.

I,ve especially enjoyed hearing about Cornwall as my DH has recently been doing family history research and found that my ancestors (the line of my family name) all came from Landrake, going back to the very late 1690's. Opposite end of the county I guess from where you are but still a delight for me to see and hear what it's like there. I have such a longing to travel there and just tread the same earth as they did. It's a mighty long way from Australia though, and I doubt I'd ever get there.

It's just brilliant looking at your photos of greenery, fields full of daffodils and stories of too much rain! Gives me something to dream about as I now have to go out in the heat to cart buckets full of grey water uphill to my parched veggie garden.

Regards from Marilyn

Paula said...

Hi Diana,

Another one here from Rhonda's blog. This book is actually on the top of my wish list. DH & I are downsizing and trying hard to live the simple life. We need all the help we can get in learning this new way of life to make it a success.

I would of course be more than happy to send this book on when I am finished with it.

Now, I am also off to read your blog. I love reading about others that are living the more simple life and enjoying it.



Joey and Mandi said...

Like most other readers I found a link on Rhondas blog to yours. Can't wait to read all your great posts. Please add my name to your book drawing. I almost ordered that book for myself for christmas, I would love to read it. Of coarse I'll pass it on also.

Thickethouse.wordpress said...

Hi Diana,

I'm also here because of reading Ronda Jean's blog, but yours looks very interesting and I look forward to reading more of it........I love the internet and it's ability to bring like-minded people together and a community of mind and spirit....

Leanne said...

Oh gee...another here from Rhonda's blog. I am new to "blogland" and am amazed at how my world has just opened up and what a privilege it is to be able to take such peeks into the lives and thoughts of other beautiful and inspirational souls far and wide. Wow.
Please add me to the book draw also. Such a lovely sentiment and how exciting to be part (for the winner) of a long line of like minded readers via one book!
You're blog is great. You live in such a beautiful corner of the world. Fantastic images!

Anonymous said...

What a lovely thing you are doing. Count me in for the drawing. I would be honored if I am chosen and will pass the book along.


Jess said...

I have been reading Down To Earth for quite a while but only commented there for the first time today- my love of books made me overcome my shyness!

I am going to take a nice browse through your blog, glad to have found you too. And I would love to be added to the book drawing. :-)

Anonymous said...

Wow, another lovely blog has been opened up to me. I would love to be considered for the blog and would happily pass on again. Now off to explore your blog.
Julie in australia

lilymarlene said...

Ohhhh....please count me in!
Rhonda Jean sent me over here and I'll earn my chance by reading your wonderful blog.

Lizzie said...

Diana, Hello, I'm another of Rhonda's devotees, so just found your blog, and I'm enjoying your posts. My partner and I are on the verge of retirement, downsizing and looking forward to a simpler, more rewarding life! So that book would be useful!!
Love reading about life in beautiful Cornwall, keep blogging!

Pipany said...

Hello Diana, could you enter my name into the giveaway please - looks a great book and I love the bookmark. Gone cold here in Falmouth today but knowing your bit of the county you probably have sun!!! xx

Jane said...

That sounds like an interesting book - I have nominated you for a meme,

Bron said...

Hi. I've come to your blog through Rhonda Jean's. I've never left a comment on a blog in the anticipation that I might get something in return, but I love the concept behind reading a book and forwarding it on. Blogging is certainly a wonderful network to do just that!

Anonymous said...

Oh My, I am so excited at the possibility to read this book and pass it on. I live in a very Rural area and have checked the Libary resources for Suwannee County and they do not have this book and no monies to buy new books is what I was told. Madison County also does not have this book in it's resources. I am sure I will eventually get to read this book but, I am really excited at the opportunity to possibly read and participate in the passing of this book. I remember when Rhonda Jean first posted about this book and have had it written down in my wallet since then trying to find it.

Froghollow said...

Hi Diana,
I 2 have found my way here through Rhonda Jean. I have found the happiness and contentment I had been looking for in the simple living way of life. I have 2 young children (5 & 3) and have lots of good reasons to be the 'demonstration of the change' I have been undertaking in recent times. I hope that by my example my children will have the blueprint to be able to know the simple life and take less time than I did to appreciate it. Any information/inspiration is very welcome and is always 'on loan' as sharing/passing on what we know is a powerful part of life.

Have a great day

Anonymous said...

Glad to have discovered you blog ( through Rhonda's) and would love to be added to the draw.
Bella N

Anonymous said...

Sign me up for the contest, too! I also found you through rhonda's blog. I just read "simple living" by Frank Levering and Wanda Urbanska and couldn't get enough. So Choosing Eden sounds wonderful! (PS - I'm in Canada).

Paula said...

OH I so want to read this book! LOL! And thank you for passing it on! I think that is a fabulous idea!

Anonymous said...

Hi Diana,

I have also come upon your blog through Rhonda Jean and I am going to subscribe through bloglines - I have really enjoyed it this morning!

If it so happens, I would love the book and would pass it on as both you and Rhonda are/have.

Look forward to reading more,


Buckstop319 said...

What a beautiful blog you have! Such a joy to read.
Please consider me for the book. I would love to read it.

Thank you.

Sally Anne said...

Such fun ! If I am the lucky recipient I shall read it and pass it on again. I have been doing that a lot lately, and wondering where the books turn up eventually.