Friday 6 June 2008

Off visiting

I'm heading up country tomorrow to visit my Dad and two out of three of my sisters. I'm really looking forward to seeing them all, and yet I know I'll find it difficult getting myself out the door. There's something about leaving home....the peace, my own space, sorting out my older dog to stay with a friend (the pup is coming with me), thinking of all the things I'd intended to do before I's crazy, really. I do like home!

Once I'm in the car, engine running, it's's like it was never a big deal, and I'll be all excited. I don't even mind the three-hundred mile drive - I take it at a more leisurely pace these days, and enjoy the scenery.

So a last photo before I go. Creeping buttercups in a jam jar, inspired by Jane. I've really enjoyed having these little jars scattered around the house, their bright and zingy yellow reflecting the sun that's been streaming in the windows.

I'll be back in a while....


Aubrey said...

Love the flowers. So cheerful and summer like.

Chantelle said...

Your blog makes me feel so relaxed and calm. I love reading it. Not to mention your pictures are splendid.

Niki said...

I hope you are having a nice visit. I'm about 2/3's through the Eden book, what an eye opener! Maybe we should have a book discussion.
I hope to pass it along right after our vacation in mid-July.

Jane said...

Hi Diana - Your name came out of the hat for the notebook giveaway - if you e-mail me your address I shall post it off,