Tuesday 17 March 2009

blogger and comments...

Does anyone else have trouble leaving comments when the comment bit is embedded at the end of the post? It never ever works for me....so apologies to you lovely people who don't leave email addresses, and who have comments set up like that...I try to respond, but it just fails every time. Diane - thanks for your uplifting comments...do email me and I will respond.

I really do appreciate every comment I receive - thanks so much!

And a gratuitous photo (just because) - introducing Pipsqueak, a baby quail, hatched and raised by Ben.

Ben also has new chicken coop designs - do take a peek.


Anonymous said...

I too have problems and I've noticed that some bloggers have put a little comment in their "Leave your comment" section asking that you click "publish your comment" again if it doesn't work first time.

Lisa said...

So cute!

silverpebble said...

Pipsqueak? What a perfect name - off to look at the new chicken abodes now....

Anonymous said...

What a cutie! I love the chicken Coups genius!

Tilly said...

Blogger does seem to be a pain in the rear sometimes. I do as Carolyn suggested.
Isn't Pipsqueak a cutie?!

kristina said...

I find the 'noreply' comment so frustrating, as I so often do want to reply!

And Pipsqueak is lovely. How could you not post that photo?!

K x

A time to dance said...

I always want to reply too Diana...but unless you can email rom a blog you cant and then you feel really rude and ungrateful...love and hugs H

driftwood said...

love that photo, what a cutie!

no-comment reply is such a shame, it makes replying to comments so hard....

Tracy x said...

i often have trouble with typepad blogs... my comments will just not load - i am so glad that you mention it as i thought it was just me being ditsy :)
lovely picture
t x

dottycookie said...

Oooh, a baby quail - adorable!

A Bun Can Dance said...

Ah now this is interesting with regards the comments at the end of the posts. I've had issues with the word verification on some blogs - ie. no words come up to verify, so I couldn't leave comments. I think I may have found a solution. it is partly because I use 'firefox' most of the time, and I think firefox is not letting me access some comment facilities. If I switch over to 'safari' then it allows me to leave comments on blogs I cannot comment on in firefox!

Notes From The Frugal Trenches said...

Oh I love love love pipsqueak!!!

I have your book ready to send back to you, thank you so much again! However, I can't find your address (I put it in a safe place, only it was too safe) can you email it to me?

I've so missed your blog! So happy to catch up!

Anonymous said...

Hi Diana, I emailed you, did you receive it?
I love pipsquek - how utterly sweet. A little chick just in time for Easter. I'm totally loving your blog - and some of the other blogs that you read. I have felt a bit stagnant of late (approaching a biggy birthday and all that) and you bloggers have given me such inspiration - I'm positively buzzing!! Many many thanks

Anonymous said...

Pipsqueak! What a great name. I guess Ben must have Great Expectations for his new charge.

Anonymous said...

I have problems leaving comments on people's typepad blogs, so frustrating when I want to return the compliment of them leaving a comment................. So I always breath a sigh of relief when I see someone's blog is not hosted by typepad! Love your photos from today, looks like you have brilliant sunshine............... we've had high whistling winds here in Northumberland, allllllll day, the romance of the whistles is starting to wear off!

Anonymous said...

I've just found your blog...I was leaving a comment on Cottage smallholding...I love the photo's, thank you for sharing....we don't get to see the sea here much :0)

Unknown said...

“Righteous, I like that. Kinda fitting when you think about it. If we danced and shared music, we'd be too busy en-joy-in' life to start a war.