Wednesday 25 March 2009

spring cleaning

There's a serious spring clean going on around here, inspired by the bright sunny weather and increased light levels. And spring cleaning goes hand in hand with decluttering. I used to be very tidy, but somehow that's not been the case lately. I've realized that probably half the utensils in my kitchen never get used. In fact, these are my three most used items. I love these wooden spoons, the round shape, and the patina of the wood gently aged from all that stirring. Memories of delicious meals embedded in their smoothness. It's such a beautiful simple thing, a worn wooden spoon. And this is my favoured knife for more or less everything.

So time for the excess to head to the charity shop. However, although I don't use the remaining wooden spoons, I do still like them. So I chopped off the handles of these three, and sanded them smooth.

My new mini bowls. Perfect for a felted pebble. Or my endless bits of string. I love string - cotton, linen, hemp, garden string, all of it....and I always save the little offcuts, knowing they'll get used for something.

And perfect for playing around making little still lifes. On the other hand...perhaps I've lost the plot. Does anyone else chop the handles off wooden spoons?

I do know another string-lover.....


Heart in the country said...

Useful Art - Brilliant Diana.

I love the round spoons, they remind me of the ones my Nan used to have, worn smooth with use and of course they never saw the inside of a dishwasher, unlike my unfortunate utensils :0)


ginny farquhar said...

i don't think you have lost the plot.. though i have never cut a handle of a wooden spoon... i may look at my wooden spoons differently now though. The still life's are very beautiful!
This weather is making me want to declutter and spring clean too.. which is always good as we have far too much stuff.
Happy cleaning my friend.
with love
Ginny xx

Evy said...

Oh my, this is SO creative! Thank you so much for sharing!

Pipany said...

Love it, Diana. Such an inspired idea and so useful for those little things that usually get lost. There is something about wooden spoons isn't there?
Have a lovely rest of week xx
(oh and my Addi pin is on order - thank heavens!) x

Simone said...

You are very creative Diana. Now you just need to find a creative use for the handles!

dottycookie said...

That's a very cute idea. And if you combine the handles with an unused bottle you could make a rain gauge!

Grandmaibb said...

Hello Diana
I haven't left a comment in ages, sorry. Your wooden spoons are so perfect, I love them. Number two son will be pressed into some creative woodwork this coming week,I can see.

Pippa xx

ps Have started my own blog at last. Not much on it at the moment.

driftwood said...

they are so cute. love the felted pebbles xx

Anonymous said...

Doing the same here. I like the broken spoons.

I wish it would warm up ere, yeaterday i started of at 25.

JuliaB said...

ooh i'm thinking make the handles into stands, so the spoony bits go into the stand and make a sort of bowl tree ...?

Anonymous said...

I think they are beautiful and thoughtful little bowls, perfect for the stirring of spring! (or spirring of string) Cx

silverpebble said...

Oh I love this post. Something as simple and well-worn like a wooden spoon can be very precious - I completely agree. I love the way you've turned them into mini-bowls, and felted pebbles? Pebbles of any kind get me excited and I love the little stripy woolly ones you make.

Tilly said...

We're in the middle of a kitchen re-fit so I know all about excess kitchenalia!
I don't chop the handles off spoons but I do keep bits of string, and ribbon, and elastic, etc.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful idea! Although if I tried it my other half would have a fit, he has a serious spoon love and is always looking in kitchen shops for more!

Louise said...

I've been Spring cleaning too! I even bought a new hoover, with super-duper suction to get into all those nooks and crannies! No I cannot say I have ever chopped a handle off a wooden spoon before! Such an original idea Diana. x

Julia said...

I think its the most simple and beautiful idea I have seen all week!

Love Julia xxx

peggy said...

This is a truly beautiful post Diana - of course they all are but this one has all the ingredients that i love in your blog - the photos are perfect in their simplicity, the ideas are original and the content is inspiring. thank you so much and I may have to copy your idea one day and cut off some spoon heads Kate x

alice c said...

Cutting the handles off spoons? Are you mad? My spoons are heritage items which have been handed down through generations. I am working on the patina for MissM who will be the next recipient.

Jackie said...

Of course, now those spoons can't be anyone's 'heritage'. I like the effect but I never could do such a thing!
I love wooden implements. The way they are all used for the same thing but are all different. This applies to rolling pins, bread boards and I also have a collection of butter pats. All the same..but different.

A time to dance said...

oh I love your always...have a happy and hugs H