Wednesday 4 March 2009

merging blues

Sea and sky, merging together...

... combining to give a beautiful blue-grey colour palette (the black blob is a bird - click on the photo to enlarge).


Anonymous said...

Oh now you've made me want to go down to the sea....

Anonymous said... i want to walk along the beach with you and the dogs right NOW! do you think the bird is jonathan?
lots of love to you
Ginny xx

Pipany said...

I love that you are doing your own blue theme Diana! The sky this morning is filthy here, really dark, grey and so full of rain, but your picture reminds me to look for the beauty in even this. (Who is Jonathon?!!!)
No news on the sock front - does that mean you are doing as well as me I ownder. Haven't even finished cuff two. Think we are building up to a coffee and knit session! xx

Lisa said...

Fantastic photo.
I immediately thought of your neckwarmer when I saw it, the muted colours.

kristina said...

So beautiful...and calming... K x

driftwood said...

just lovely! xx

silverpebble said...

Diana that's a gorgeous photo - it looks like a pastel or a watercolour - so subtle. It's INCREASED my need to go to the sea though!

Love the neck warmer too - my favourite colour!

Tracy x said...

i remember a customer saying to me how she had just moved back to our village from a sea front town house as she was bored with the view .....
each day i look out of our windows and the sea, sky, horizon looks different - i could never tire of it - today we have a grey and calm sea with a bright sky... i do however spot the first few flakes of snow - yay x
lovely words and picture and i LOVE your neck warmer - must pop that on my list after the wretched socks!
t x

Clare said...

I can't wait to be there. We have found a house so shouldn't be long now...

JuliaB said...

Wow! that's amazing! x

Anonymous said...

At first I thought the seagull was a bug on the lens of your camera, but at full size the seagull adds depth to the picture, and I agree that the colours are awesome. Maybe you could start making posters and open your own gallery :)

Anonymous said...

Very pretty Picture, Makes me want to stand right there in real life :)

nimblejacks said...

Snap on the blue sky here in Gower. They do say that if from Gower we can see Devon it's about to rain here, and if it's rainign and we can't see Devon, well it's going to rain here, it is Wlaes afetr all. Still all that rain makes for great garden plants and veg!!