Friday 13 March 2009

when blue turns to grey...

...some colour is needed. Tuesday's blue skies have turned to a flat grey-white. Time to bring in the daffodils.

The daffodil fields are brightening up the landscape all around me. It's easy to pick up a bunch for a few pence, and brighten up home as well.

There's some colour too on the knitting front - a simple long and skinny scarf for my sister in a 2x2 rib, using Dream in Colour's Classy from Stash (purchased last autumn on a day out with Kristina. And sister was meant to be doing the knitting, not me).

I'm a bit bored with this, backward and forwards, same old thing. At least the yarn is inspiring - a beautiful blend of sea greens.

I really want to get back to the socks.


Anonymous said...

i am really drawn to turquoise/blue greens at the moment... such uplifting colours aren't they?
the daffodils are so cheery too.
have a lovely weekend my friend,
with love

Irene said...

It looks like a lovely scarf. How long does it have to be? Is it just a bit of mindless knitting? The color is great.

Have a good weekend.


Pipany said...

Gorgeous photos Diana. You have such a good eye. The scarf looks lovely and soft. Aren't the daffodil fields just gorgeous here at the moment? Have a great weekend adn enjoy the sun...wayhay xx

kristina said...

Yes, I seem to remember G was to be doing the knitting!

But perhaps this would be a good project for taking to knitting group, as you could chat without worrying about going off pattern? The color blend is lovely.

K x

Simone said...

I like the yellow against the grey-white. I have been buying daffodils so much this year. I think I really need the injection of yellow to liven me up!

A time to dance said...

I feel just the same my friend...i am making sweet P a moss stitch scarf in noro...bored bored want to get into the yarns I bought today they are gazing at me across the table.......

Sally Anne said...

The daffs are gorgeous, and I love the shade of the scarf. Sometimes mindless knitting is great for when you are watching a thriller on TV....or as Kristina says the knitting group.
You'll be on to the socks in no time the rate you are going!

Elizabeth Musgrave said...

I love your daffodil pictures and the colour of the yarn is perfect. You might almost persuade me I should try to knit again, not an area of great success so far in my life!

nimblejacks said...

socks wow you're brave and clever I leave the knitting and crochet to my my ( yes I am 34) but she's a dab hand at it unlike me:D

alice c said...

What a lovey sea blue-green that yarn is - I hope that it is snuggly soft too.

Poppy said...

Beautiful pictures!
I love the look of the scarf; I’m not very good at knitting!
Love Lou xxx

Anonymous said...

No flowers here yet, but soon. Very grey and rainy. Thanks for the color!

Julia said...

Lovely to find your blog today, very inspiring ~ and what beautiful daffodils...I so love them and they are so cheerful arent they!

With love
Julia xxx

Louise said...

The blends of blue and green in the wool are just lovely. A fabulous scarf, will you knit matching gloves? I love to bring daffodils indoors. x