Tuesday 28 April 2009

do you doodle?

I'm an occasional doodler - a term I use quite loosely. Anyone can doodle. But when I think of drawing...well, in my head that's something I can't do. Last week, on the spur of the moment, I joined the new term for the printmaking evening course at my local art school. It was with trepidation that I went and joined a well- established group of students. Everyone seemed to know what they were doing, so I had a demonstration in monoprinting from our tutor. And then came the moment to dive right in and just get on with it! Scary - particularly as you can't prepare your image beforehand (if I could I'd be drawing, fiddling, rubbing out, re-drawing...you get the picture) as you 'draw' your image either directly into the ink and then press your paper over it to create an image, or onto the back of the paper, which is laid over the ink, and so you produce your print at the same time. So time for doodles - and these are my 'prints' - all done very quickly onto ordinary copy paper. I'm very nervous about showing these, I feel like I'm really exposing a part of myself that is usually private. But I also think it's good for me to just loosen up a bit, and say "to hell with it!"

What I like about these is the softness, the slightly fuzzy lines, and the uneven patches of ink. Tonight I did more monoprinting, only this time I used the press and the results are quite different (and still wet).

I thought it would be interesting to share some of the process here, and see what develops over the term. Gulp.


Pipany said...

They work really well because your doodles are so simple in style (and that is a compliment though reads as derogatory!). I have never had a go at this either Diana and quite fancy a go now xx

dottycookie said...

I think they're lovely. I doubt any of my squiggles would work so well!

kristina said...

Your prints are wonderful. And just think of the cards you could make.

And you're not alone. I'd be just the same as you: wanting to prepare the image ahead of time and doing loads of rubbing out and redrawing. You're much braver than I am, and with such great results.

K x

Simone said...

Thank you for showing your work. I am getting braver in 'exposing' myself too!!! I think you have produced some very good work. My favourite is the first flower. I really love that image. I would like to give this technique a go myself sometime. Thanks for the inspiration!

JuliaB said...

I love the doodles though the process sounds v. technical and a bit scary! Looking forward to seeing the next phase xx

The Curious Cat said...

You shouldn't be nervous about showing these - they are really cute and quirky. So many people think they can't do art but anyone can - they just need to give it a go! Everyone is critical of their own work, which is natural, but others will always see things differently from you and from the looks of it here -from all the comments- you don't have anything to worry about! xxx

willow said...

Those are lovely doodles, I like the last one best, looks like Echinacea, the cone flower.

Ali said...

Ooh - I really really like them. Especially that knife/fork/washing line one.

Call them Zakka - it's all in the marketing spiel!!

Anonymous said...

i like your doodles... especially the wash line one...
i know what you mean about drawing as opposed to doodling ...and as for showing your work, it's kind of like singing in public isn't it?... all i can say is that you sing very well!
enjoy it and i look forward to seeing and learning more about your process.
lots of love to you my dear friend xx

A time to dance said...

I love them...they would be wonderful cards...there is someone who makes tea towels and aprons and who does very similar designs ...there was a feature on her in last quarters Selvedge...and she is making a very very good living out of it ....so there! ye of little faith.....

alice c said...

I love the washing line print - it reminds me of the work of Jessica Cooper.

Gina said...

I'm not sure what you are worried about Diana, I think they work beautifully. Their simplicity is perfect for mono printing

mormar said...

I think they look great!

caireen said...

I like the birds! and the washing line one would make a fantastic teatowel, (I mean that as a compliment, like these posh linen ones you get) just as it is! x

Frances said...

Well done! I'm looking forward to seeing more of your prints (and doodles and drawings, too.)

Monoprints (like many other types of printmaking) have that unpredictable quality. I think therein lies the fun, and often the charm of taking a chance.

Best wishes.

Anonymous said...

I love the doodles! That sounds like a really fun class.

Sally Anne said...

I love them all Diana, and that printmaking class sounds like a lot of fun. Thankyou for sharing.

dragonfly said...

They are wonderful. We had a 'jump right in, no time to prepare' print session on my course a couple of months ago. I felt just the same as you, I love to plan and perfect. It turned out fine!

French Knots said...

Sounds like a great course, learing something new is so satisfying.
Lovely simple drawings that work well as prints.

Anonymous said...

I like the doodle of the birds with the long legs because....I like birds with long legs :p

this is my patch said...

I love your doodles and monoprints. The blue background is so appealing. x