Sunday 26 April 2009

second helpings

A few more photographs to share from Potager Garden. When we were there last weekend it was so hot and sunny we could have been in Provence.

There were plenty of places to sit and linger - a hammock here, a little chair there. And a glorious terrace where you can relax with the papers and delicious fresh food from the tiny cafe.

Have I tempted you?


dottycookie said...

You certainly have tempted me - that looks like a wonderful place!

Frogdancer said...

Yes, but it might be a bit far to come just for the afternoon...

Ali said...

A hammock? Bliss.

kristina said...

Definitely tempted! Now if only it were a bit closer... K x

Simone said...

Yes! I am tempted but alas it is too far! I may just have to create a potager (a mini one) in my own back garden. I have mini fruit trees and a greenhouse so I am part way there! I just need to get a hammock to swing in!

Pipany said...

Oh I have always wanted a hammock. Looks like bliss, though not in this weather...yuk! Hope you have a lovely week Diana and we'll get together soon xx

The Curious Cat said...

This place looks delightful - if only I wasn't so far away in London! Loved to own a little place like this! xxx

Lisa said...

Bagsy the hammock!

Exmoorjane said...

Yup. Totally tempted.

dragonfly said...

Very tempted!
I had a lazy afternoon in my hammock last week - an unexpected surprise, in April.

Irene said...

It seems like a glorious place to hang out. The hammock is very tempting, but so is the little café. You do find the best places to photograph. Or should I say, the best places to hang out at? You lucky duck!

Sue said...

I think lots of little places to sit make a garden really special... ours is only small and it has six! :-)

this is my patch said...

Thanks for the link Diana. I must bear this place in mind the next time we pay the West Country a visit. I find inspiration from potagers. x

Anonymous said...

Yes! Very tempted!