Friday 17 April 2009

pebble love

It's a rare day when I walk on the beach and come home with empty pockets. There's always another pebble, a shell, a piece of seaglass to be found and treasured. At home there's an ever expanding collection of beach finds - for some their moment of glory is transient. Away from the the beach they suddenly don't seem quite so special. Others have stood the test of time over the years, always seemingly perfect in their own unique way - the shape, the smoothness, the chalky colour, the coolness and the tactile quality. There's nothing quite like finding a beautiful pebble, enclosing it with your fingers and exploring it's shape and texture.

Some sit so perfectly in your hand you don't want to put them down. I found this beauty the other day.

And it wasn't until I brought it home, cradled in my fingers, that I realized how special it was. Not the usual pebble/egg shape I usually collect, but altogether more organic and fluid. It sits perfectly in the contours of my hand, begging to be touched and stroked, the cool slatey blackness absorbing the warmth of my fingers.

At the moment it's resting place is beside my bed on an oak block I use as a bedside table. I can't resist picking it up first thing in the morning and last thing at night. I wonder about the journey it's travelled, the tumbling it's taken in the sea, to wear its contours so smooth. This one's here to stay.


Anonymous said...

it's fantastic... just like a wee henry moore sculpture!
hopefully one day soon i can join you on a 'pebble hunt'.
wishing you a lovely weekend Diana. xx

Poppy said...

I am so glad it’s not just me who comes home from the beach with a pocket full of treasure, too me it is anyway.
And what a beauty you found, I wonder how far it travelled.
Have a lovely weekend…love Lou xxx

driftwood said...

what a lovely treasure, I can never resist bringing home something from the beach either xx

Pipany said...

Yup, me too Diana. Stacks of the stuff all over the house and added to by the children. That is a particularly lovely one though. Very much north coastish in smoothness. Hope you have had a good week my lovely xx

Irene said...

Wow, what a very special find that was! I would want to hold it in my hand all the time. It does look like a little Henry Moore sculpture.

You're very lucky to be living in such an awe inspiring place that's so filled with the bounties of nature. Consider yourself a fortunate woman.

kristina said...

So amazingly beautiful.

The shape reminds me of our visit to the Barbara Hepworth studio. You can see where Barbara found her inspiration...

K x

Diane said...

Beautiful!! We are the same with driftwood, seaglass and heart shaped pebbles. I scatter mine on the back doorstep. My friend commented the other week that she hadnt realised that the tide came in this far!!!

Simone said...

What an interesting shape. I am sure I would have taken it home too. It does look incredibly tactile.

Notes From The Frugal Trenches said...

Wow it is so beautiful!

JuliaB said...

I love that pepple! x

Sue said...

What a lovely post. It is so nice to have a pebble that feels good in your pocket. I often find them there weeks later and am immediately transported back to the time I picked them up and first loved them.

Anonymous said...

Wow that is beautiful!
One of mymost favorite things to do is to walk on the beach and find things to put in my pockets.

caireen said...

that's amazing - and just made for you! the veritable Pebble dash itself!! and just in time for your birthday - Coincidence? Very Happy Birthday, Diana x

Gina said...

What a beautiful organic shape. Happy Birthday Diana!

this is my patch said...

I do wish I could find seaglass on our local beach. I am a beachcomber too, although I really don't think Sussex beaches hold such treasure. The pebble you discovered is absolutely beautiful. x

Rebecca said...

I really enjoyed reading your post... it’s a lovely thought to imagine what journey your pebble has travelled

Exmoorjane said...

Ah, sweetmyrtle took the words out of my mouth.....what an amazing pebble.

nimblejacks said...

Hmm yes pebbles we are a family of pebble and sea glass hunters my kids love time spent on the beach finding them .Kiera spotted a heart shaped one when whe was 4 and asked if a mermaid had lost it:D