Sunday 5 April 2009

walking in the woods

Walking in the woods this morning - so quiet and peaceful with the spring sunshine filtering through the trees and nature singing her sweet song.

I hope your weekend was as beautiful as mine.


Lisa said...

So green and lush!
Beautiful photos, especially the first with the sunlight on the water.

Evy said...

Beautiful pictures!

Simone said...

I do enjoy a woodland walk!

silverpebble said...

Beautiful - that tree over the stream is alluring isn't it - I have an urge to cross over it.

The first bluebell too. Lovely


Anonymous said...

Beautiful! Ours was nice and warm and I was able to work outside in the garden.

Irene said...

It couldn't have been much more beautiful than that, since you are surrounded by such wonderful nature.

Diane said...

Thanks for taking me on your walk. The weather was perfect at the weekend and everything is springing to life again. xx

Pippa said...

Oh the first bluebell. I haven't been on a good walk since I've been home. Today looks good and number one son has a day off.

Pippa x

Pipany said...

Woodland walks are so lovely Diana. My son has just told me of a wood none of us knew existed right in Truro so off to investigate soon. Happy week to you xx

Poppy said...

What gorgeous pictures, I felt like I was on the walk with you!

Have a lovely Easter-love Lou xxx

Anonymous said...

Wonderful photos. I love woods, we strolled through our local ones on Sunday morning and noticed the tiny leaves of the Dog's Tooth Violets were pushing through..... them Sunday night we got five inches of snow from a late season storm! Oh well, it won't last.

Louise said...

You always take such wonderful photos Diana. Like Simone, I always enjoy a woodland walk. x

Frances said...

Thank you for the encouragement ... I bought my first cutting mat today, and so look forward to experimenting very soon with that X-acto knife. See what I can crop and re-assemble.


Anonymous said...

So beautiful.

Hope book & gift was received, can't wait to book talk with you!

Heart in the country said...

Such beautiful photo's Diana.