Friday 2 May 2008

Blue Friday

Ahh! Blue at last...and my favourite colour, along with white. So many shades to choose from. It reminds me, too, of a compilation tape I made ages ago, where every song title had 'blue' in it. It wasn't that difficult to fill a whole tape!! Anyway, here are just a few 'blue' things that are hitting the spot at the moment:

:: blue blanket - I love all the different shades woven together

:: blue wool

:: old enamel bucket

:: bluebells nearby, the bright blue in the background is the sea

:: the pup surveying the bluebells

:: a just-finished knitted dishcloth

This has been an interesting week - of colour, and of photos. I often notice that once I've uploaded photos to blogger they appear lighter, a bit insipid. It's very disappointing. So I have mixed feelings about some of these photos, they look a little flat, and lacking in colour! Does anyone else notice this with blogger? Photos aside, this little exercise has definitely made me more colour-aware. Thank you, Leya, and I look forward to the next colour week.


Michele said...

The picture with your pup totally made me smile. :)

Pipany said...

Yep Diana, know exactly what you mean about the pics not appearing as they do in your file, but these are gorgeous. Bluebell time in Cornwall - yay!!! xx