Wednesday 11 March 2009

blue, again

Blue skies
Bare branches
Beautiful sunshine



Lisa said...

Doesn't it make your heart happy to be outside on these slightly warmer, sunnier days!
Great photos.

kristina said...

Beautiful. K x

Simone said...

Very interesing shots Diana. I like the contrast of the bare branches against the blue sky.

Anonymous said...

blissful blues as always... have a blissful day Diana x
with love
Ginny xx

dottycookie said...

The sun is making such a difference to my mood these days!

Heart in the country said... sky, can you send me some please? ;0)


JuliaB said...

Bliss indeed! x

Pipany said...

Hello dear Diana. Hope you aren't feeling blue at the ditinct lack of sun today? Beautiful photos. It's funny to think that very soon now those same pictures would be flecked with green buds. Have a good week Diana xx

A time to dance said...

lovely...wish i was lying on my back looking up through though those branches.....

elspeth said...

Thank you for your lovely comment on my full moon post. I have so enjoyed looking at your blog and its lovely pictures - I wonder where you are, with that wonderful sea...
All good wishes to you,
xx Elspeth

Anonymous said...

Hi Diana
I only discovered your blog yesterday - its magical. I love your part of the world - its where my heart is. Your photos are beautiful. Thank you for making my day.

Anonymous said...

PS - I didnt mean to be "ANonymous" its early and I pressed the button before filling in my name!!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Oh I love these, the bottom pic looks like hair dangling... Cx