Tuesday 14 April 2009

the week that was

Busy, busy, busy...and still is...

The spring clean and the decluttering continues - the more I get into it, the more I want to get rid of. Freecycle has been an easy way of moving things on to a new home. I like the idea of other people in my community benefiting from things I no longer need. Every time something else goes out the door I feel a little bit lighter. The trick has to be not to bring it in in the first place!

I've had some help from Mark, visiting for Easter (this time his arrival was by motorbike rather than pushbike). Furniture has been moved around, rubble disposed of, extra strong muscles made use of. The perfect guest!

Last week I also had the delights of dinner with MrsM and the divine MissM .

They were visiting family nearby, so we seized the opportunity to meet up.

A large meal and much chatter and blog talk was shared in a traditional local eatery. There's something rather special about meeting a fellow blogger, someone you would never have otherwise met in 'real' life. These connections are to be savoured.

Alice gave me this beautiful bunch of anenomes. They're one of my favourite flowers, up there with sweet peas. I love the inky colours, the saturated petals that slowly unfold. And then they fade, the colour seeping out before they slowly droop. Thank you, Alice.

And this boy continues to make me smile. His favourite sleeping position? Upside down, paws wherever, head on the slate flagstones.

Oh Walter!


peggy said...

oh can I be the first to comment? I've been waiting for something new and this is lovely. They are my number one favourite flowers and it is a delight to see them from all angles. I try to grow them but the next year they have disappeared. Perhaps time to try again as Robert the Bruce would advise. This is me of course - K x

Anonymous said...

Lovely post Diana!
how lucky to have met Alice c... we almost met once at Wisley... sadly it was not to be...gorgeous flowers too.
glad to hear you made good use of Mark .. and oh Walter... adorable!

Julia said...


Your flowers are so pretty, I love those myself so it cheered me up enormously to see them!

And as for decluttering...hmmm, yes, ought to be doing some of that myself!

Love Julia xxx

ps, loved the photographs of your woodland walk, just lovely! :)

Ali said...

Dinner with the Ms - truly something to be savoured! And wonderful anemones.

Irene said...

I like all the pictures of your flowers, but as a dog lover, I like the picture of Walter best of all. I especially like his sleeping position. Very comfortable.

Pippa said...

Oh Walter you do look content with life and Diana your flowers are lovely.

Pippa x

Lisa said...

Decluttering does make you feel good doesn't it. But like you say the in coming also needs to be limited to truly make it work.
Gorgeous flowers and very contented dog!

Ruth said...

I'm so pleased that Alice gave you those beautiful anemones. Thank you for sharing them with us they are a serious contender for being my favourite flower.

vanessa said...

Walter, you big darling, you're adorable!
Beautiful photographs of the Anemones............... Beautiful flowers.
Vanessa xxx (do you mind if i knit)

JuliaB said...

Lovely flowers Diana! I have some in my garden but I don't want to pick them.. defeating the object of why i planted them!

Simone said...

The flowers are really beautiful. I am glad that Walter made it into your photographs too! We couldn't forget about him could we now?!!!

kristina said...

Such beautiful flowers! And doesn't Walter look so happy? But I bet you're just as happy after meeting up with the divine Mrs and Miss M!

And I love decluttering and giving things away! You're so right about the feeling of lightness after...and the need to not clutter in the first place--aaack!

K x

Exmoorjane said...

Another mad keen freecycler here - so incredibly satisfying when you can give something a good home. Love the flowers - one of my favourites too. Shouldn't be browsing blogs really, but couldn't resist a quick peek!

Diane said...

We are still planning on dognapping that gorgeous creature when we are next in Cornwall - he is so adorable. So glad you met your blogging friends - what an amazing thing to do. (and many thanks for pointing us in the direction of their blog - a really great read). As for decluttering!!! Ive done some Freecycling, and I now have a garage full of "stuff" awaiting a car boot sale. Hubby says I'm just moving the clutter around - he could be right!!

Anonymous said...

How wonderful to be able to meet Alice! I have not yet met a blog friend but am planning on it in June!
I have a pup at home who sleeps the same way!

A time to dance said...

they are my favourites too..I gave my lovely pal Penny a big bunch just before we left so I could think of her enjoying my favourite flowers....they are number one followed by tulips and sweet peas...well they had to be there didnt they...but no flower is as lovely as my very own sweet pea.....

re said...

Glorious anenomes!